Green Eggs & Ham
My interpretation of the Dr. Seuss story, McElligots Pond.
The Green Eggs and Ham exhibition at the White Lady Art gallery on Wellington Quay in Dublin brings together a collection of fourteen artists and illustrators and their interpretation of the words and art of Dr. Seuss.
From the white lady herself:
From the white lady herself:
This exhibition explores the dark and surreal side to the stories, the characters and bizarre situations, and interesting parallels that can be drawn today of social priorities and the absurd parodies found in his tales.
I chose the Dr. Seuss story called McElligots Pool.
McElligot’s Pool is a 1947 children’s book by Dr. Seuss. It is a tale of a boy named Marco who is ridiculed for fishing in a small, polluted pool. In typical Seussian fashion, when confronted with the limitations of his situation, the young boy imagines ways in which he could catch any number of any kind of fish in the small pool.